Pintaa syvemmältäBudjettitukea ja pähkinäkauppaa TansaniassaPeik Johan käännös - Pintaa syvemmältäBudjettitukea ja pähkinäkauppaa TansaniassaPeik Johan englanti miten sa

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Budjettitukea ja pähkinäkauppaa Tansaniassa
Peik Johansson

Minulla oli viikko sitten kunnia saada osallistua tilaisuuteen, jossa juhlistettiin Suomen kahdenvälisen kehitysyhteistyön 40-vuotista historiaa Tansaniassa ja etenkin maan eteläisimmissä lääneissä Mtwarassa ja Lindissä, missä suomalaisia kehityshankkeita on toteutettu yhtäjaksoisesti vuodesta 1973.

Intian valtameren rannalla sijaitsevan Mtwaran ammattikoulun juhlasaliin oli kutsuttu entisten ja nykyisten suomalaishankkeiden vastuuhenkilöitä, ulkoministeriön virkamiehiä Helsingistä ja Saharan eteläpuolisen Afrikan suurlähetystöistä sekä satakunta paikallista kutsuvierasta, joukossa muun muassa ministeri ja maaherra.

Puheita pidettiin englanniksi ja swahiliksi, ja kehityshankkeiden konkareita kutsuttiin lavalle haastateltavaksi. Langaton mikrofoni pätki, mutta kehitysyhteistyössä Afrikan maissa on jo totuttu moisiin pieniin hankaluuksiin.

Jo ennen vuotta 1973 suomalaisia oli mukana Tansaniassa toteutetuissa yhteispohjoismaisissa hankkeissa, joissa rakennettiin oppikoulu Kibahan kylään maan pääkaupungin Dar es Salaamin liepeille sekä maatalousoppilaitos Mbeyaan lähellä Sambian vastaista rajaa. Kibahan koulun nimekkäin oppilas lienee Tansanian nykyinen presidentti Jakaya Kikwete.

Ensimmäinen täysin suomalaisin voimin käynnistetty projekti Tansaniassa oli Mtwaran ja Lindin vesihuoltohanke. Vuosina 1973–93 eteläisiin lääneihin rakennettiin yli 2 000 pumppukaivoa ja järjestettiin puhdasta vettä sadoille tuhansille ihmisille.

Kaivohanketta seurasi 17 vuotta jatkunut maaseudun kehittämishanke, joka tunnetaan paremmin projektin englanninkielisellä lyhenteellä RIPS (Rural Integrated Project Support). Samaan aikaan Mtwaran ja Lindin maaseudulle rakennettiin suomalaisin varoin ensimmäisiä päällystettyjä teitä.

Tätä nykyä Suomi rahoittaa Mtwarassa ja Lindissä pienviljelijöitä ja maataloustuotteiden jalostusta ja markkinointia tukevaa Limas-hanketta.

Tansaniassa on epäonnistuttu siinä, että maassa on liian monta avunantajaa ja liian paljon hankkeita.Suomalaisia järjestöhankkeita alueella ovat Liike ry:n koululiikuntaprojektit, journalistijärjestöjen Viestintä ja kehitys -säätiön Vikesin yhteisömediahanke sekä WaterFinns-yhdistyksen vesihanke, jossa on kunnostettu vanhoja kaivoja ja järjestetty sanitaatiokoulutusta kyläläisten perustamille vesikomiteoille.

Juhlaseminaarissa puhuttiin avoimesti ja hymyssä suin yhteistyön lukuisista haasteista ja epäonnistumisista. 40 vuotta jatkuneista kehityshankkeista huolimatta Mtwaran ja Lindin alueet ovat edelleen maan köyhää syrjäseutua. Kylissä ihmiset asuvat yhä savimajoissa vailla sähköä ja muita hyvinvointipalveluja.

Esimerkiksi uuden vesihankkeen tarpeellisuutta selittää se tosiasia, että vuonna 2000, vain seitsemän vuotta Suomen rahoittaman mittavan kaivohankkeen päättymisen jälkeen, ainoastaan kolmasosa kaivoista oli enää toiminnassa – osittain johtuen varaosien ja kunnossapidon puutteesta, osittain muista syistä.

Kaivoja rakennettaessa ei yleensä kysytty paikallisilta naisilta, mihin kaivot olisi parasta rakentaa. Keskelle kylää asennetut kaivot jäivät usein käyttämättä, sillä perinteiset vedenhakumatkat olivat naisille tärkeä osa päivittäistä rutiinia. Vedenhaun ajaksi naiset pääsivät muutamaksi tunniksi poistumaan kodeistaan ja vaihtamaan keskenään kuulumisia ja henkilökohtaisia huoliaan.

Jotain virheistä kuitenkin opittiin. Vammalan Konepajan suunnittelemia Nira AF-85 -pumppukaivoja ruvettiin valmistamaan Dar es Salaamiin perustetulla tehtaalla, ja tätä kaivomallia on myöhemmin käytetty menestyksekkäästi vesihankkeissa Keniassa ja Etiopiassa.

Maaseudun kokonaisvaltaiseen kehittämiseen tähdänneen RIPS-hankkeen myötä Mtwarasta ja Lindistä tehtiin niin sanottujen osallistavien menetelmien koealue.

Osallistavaa suunnittelua oli määrä käyttää hallinnon kaikilla tasoilla. Ensin tarkasteltiin kyläläisten kanssa tapauskohtaisesti kylien omia mahdollisuuksia ja voimavaroja, ja sen jälkeen ryhdyttiin kehittämään alueita ihmisten omien intressien mukaisesti.

Paikan päällä nämä pehmeät lähestymistavat saivat suurta kannatusta. Hankkeen puitteissa rahoitettiin lähes tuhatta pienhanketta. Kyliin rakennettiin kouluja, apteekkeja, kaivoja ja sadevesisäiliöitä. Cashewpähkinätuholaisten torjuntakeinoja kokeiltiin. Kyläläisille annettiin pienluottoja vuohien hankkimiseen.

”Kyläläiset ottivat itse vastuuta omasta kehityksestään ja kykenivät mobilisoimaan voimavaroja lähialueen elinolojen kohentamiseksi”, hankkeessa työskennellyt Elizabeth Ndedya kuvaili tuloksia.

”Tärkeintä ei ollut se, mitä tarkkaan ottaen tehtiin, vaan miten”, totesi RIPS-hankkeen johtajana 90-luvulla työskennellyt Tor Lundström.

Hankkeeseen käytettiin 17 vuoden aikana yhteensä noin 35 miljoonaa euroa, josta tosin kolmasosa meni konsulttiyhtiö Scanagrin työntekijöiden palkkoihin ja toinen mokoma erilaisten koulutustilaisuuksien menoihin ja hallintokuluihin.

Kun Suomen rahoitus päättyi vuonna 2005, tarkoituksena oli, että kunnat olisivat jatkaneet kylähankkeita. Todellisuudessa kylät jäivät taas pitkälti oman onnensa nojaan.

Tällä hetkellä Suomi tukee Tansaniaa laittamalla 11 miljoonaa euroa vuodessa suoraan valtion budjettiin, muutaman miljoonan kuntien kehittämiseen ja kaksi miljoonaa euroa maan metsähallinnolle.

Suurin yksittäinen kehityshanke on Mtwaran ja Lindin pienviljelijöiden pienimuotoista yritystoimintaa tukeva Limas-hanke. Hankkeen avulla syrjäalueiden ihmisiä autetaan saamaan tuotteensa markkinoille, oli kyse sitten kyyhkyherneistä, cashewpähkinöistä, kananmunista tai hunajasta.

Kaiken kaikkiaan Suomen tuki Tansanialle on tänä vuonna 27 miljoonaa euroa.

”Tansaniassa on epäonnistuttu siinä, että maassa on liian monta avunantajaa ja liian paljon hankkeita. Kun hanke päättyy, kaikki voimat käytetään uuden hankkeen etsimiseen”, tokaisi juhlaseminaarissa kutsuvieraana ollut antropologi Marja-Liisa Swantz.

On hyvinkin mahdollista, että tulevaisuudessa Tansanian avun tarve vähenee. Maan rannikolta, etenkin juuri Mtwaran edustalta, merenpohjan uumenista on nimittäin löytynyt lupaavia määriä maakaasua. Jo tällä hetkellä Mtwaran alueelta porattu maakaasu riittäisi tekemään maasta sähkön osalta omavaraisen.

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Tulokset (englanti) 1: [Kopio]
budgetary support and walnut trade in Tanzania
Peik Johansson

I had a week ago, an honor to be part in the event on the occasion of Finnish bilateral development 40-year history of Tanzania, and particularly in the southernmost provinces of Mtwara and Lindi, where the Finnish development projects have been carried out continuously since 1973.

the Indian Ocean, Mtwara vocational school assembly hall had been invited by former and current Finnish project promoters, Foreign Ministry officials in Helsinki and sub-Saharan Africa embassies, as well as about a hundred local invited guests, among them the minister and the governor.

speeches were held in English and Swahili,and the development of industry veterans were invited on stage to be interviewed. wireless microphone into lengths, but the development of cooperation with the African countries have already stood the test moisiin small trouble.

even before the 1973 Finnish was involved in Tanzania carried out joint Nordic projectswith built in grammar school kibahan the village to the capital, Dar es Salaam, as well as the outskirts of the agricultural college mbeyaan close to the border with Zambia. kibahan of the school, the student is probably the best known of Tanzania, current President Jakaya Kikwete.

The first fully Finnish resources started a project to Tanzania Mtwara and Lindi was the water supply 1973-93 the southern provinces was built more than 2 000 pump wells and held in clean water for hundreds of thousands of people.

well the project was followed by 17 years remained a rural development project, better known by the English acronym of the project rips (rural integrated project support).at the same time Mtwara and Lindi rural areas were built with Finnish funding of the first paved roads.

At present Finnish finance Mtwara and Lindi small farmers and agricultural processing and marketing in support of limas project.

Tanzania has failed in the fact that the country has too many donors and too many projects .Finnish NGO projects in the area of ​​the business association's physical education projects, journalist organizations, Communications and Development Foundation vikesin social media project and the water finns Association Water Project, which has been restored with old wells and arranged sanitaatiokoulutusta villagers set up by the vesikomiteoille.

anniversary seminar discussed openly and with a big smile co numerous challenges and failures. 40 years-running development projects in Mtwara and Lindi, despite the regions are still the poor periphery. in the villages, people still live in mud huts without electricity and other wellness services.

For example, the need for a new water project is explained by the fact that in 2000,just seven years Finnish-funded large-scale well after the end of the project, only one-third of the wells were no longer in operation - in part due to a lack of spare parts and maintenance of, in part, for other reasons.

construction of wells is usually not asked local women what would be best to build wells. installed in the center of the village wells were often not used,Search the traditional water tours were women important part of the daily routine. Water your search for the women were able to leave their homes for a few hours and to exchange news and personal concerns.

any errors, however, were learned. Vammalan workshop designed nira af-85-pump wells, people began to manufacture in Dar es Salaam, established the factory,this model and the well was subsequently used successfully in water projects in Kenya and Ethiopia.

integrated rural development project to have been aimed rips the Mtwara and lind was carried out at the so-called participatory methods to the testing area.

participatory planning was to be used by all levels.first examined case by case basis with the villagers villages of their own potential and resources, and then began to develop areas of people's own interests.

on the ground, the soft approaches received little support. within the framework of the project funded by nearly a thousand small projects. villages were built schools, pharmacies, wells and rainwater tanks.cashewpähkinätuholaisten means to combat tested. the villagers were given small loans goats acquisition.

"villagers took responsibility for their own development and were able to mobilize the resources of the local area improve living conditions", the project worked with Elizabeth ndedya described the results.

"the most important thing was not that exactly what was done, but how,"stated rips project director in the 90's worked Thurs Lundström.

In the project for 17 years, a total of about 35 million, of which, however, one-third went to the consulting company scanagrin the salaries of employees, and the other thing was the different training sessions and administrative expenditure.

When the Finnish funding ended in 2005, it was intendedthat the local authorities had continued to village projects. in reality, while the villages were largely left to their own devices.

currently supported by Finland to Tanzania is putting 11 million per year directly to the state budget, a few million in municipal development and two million in the country's forest management.

the largest single development project in Mtwara and Lindi are small-scale farmers in small-scale business to support limas project. project in remote areas to get people to market their products, whether in the pigeon peas, cashew nuts, eggs or honey.

all in all Finnish support in Tanzania this year is 27 million.

"Tanzania has failed inthat there are too many donors and too many projects. when the project is finished, all the forces used to search for a new project, "remarked an invited guest at the anniversary seminar was an anthropologist Marja-Liisa swantz.

It is quite possible that in the future of Tanzania's need for assistance is reduced. the coast, especially at the Mtwara edustalta,the depths of the sea bed is in fact found promising quantities of natural gas. already drilled in the Mtwara region of natural gas sufficient to make the country self-sufficient in electricity.

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Tulokset (englanti) 2:[Kopio]
budgetary support and nut trade in Tanzania,

I had the Peik Johansson one week ago, an honor to participate in the ceremony of the bilateral development cooperation of Finland, where the celebrated 40-year history in the southernmost provinces of the country, particularly in Tanzania and Mtwarassa and Lindissä, where the Finnish development projects has been carried out continuously since 1973.

Situated on the shores of the Indian Ocean Mtwaran vocational school, Hall was invited to the former and current officials of the Ministry of suomalaishankkeiden, Helsinki and the local embassies of sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the hundreds of invited guests, among them, inter alia, to the Minister and the Governor of the speeches was held in English and Swahili

., industry veterans were invited to be interviewed on the stage, and development projects. A wireless microphone for the price paid, but in development cooperation in the African countries is already used to seeing such small complications.

before 1973, Finns were involved in yhteispohjoismaisissa projects carried out in Tanzania which was built in the village in the country's capital city grammar school Kibahan the outskirts of Dar es Salaam as well as the agricultural college, Mbeyaan, near the Zambian border. Kibahan school, the student will probably be the current President of Tanzania Jakaya "hell raiser" Kikwete.

Project in Tanzania, launched the first fully merits a modern Finnish was Mtwaran and Lind's water supply project. In the years 1973-93 southern counties were built more than 2,000 pump wells and clean water for hundreds of thousands of people took place in the

well of the project followed by 17 years. continued rural development project, better known as the project on the English abbreviation RIPS (Rural Integrated Project Support). At the same time, Mtwaran and Lind's countryside was built a modern Finnish funds, one of the first paved roads in Finland is currently funded by the Mtwarassa.

and Lindissä to small farmers and the processing and marketing of agricultural products in support of the Limas project.

in Tanzania has failed, that the country has too many donors will and too many projects.The Finnish organization projects in the region are in the business of school sports and the development of the projects, journalist organisations Communication Foundation Vikesin WaterFinns Association of community media project, as well as to the water project, which has renovated the old wells and arranged for the bodies set up by the

water sanitaatiokoulutusta of the villagers committees.The celebration at the seminar spoke openly and with a big smile of cooperation in the numerous challenges and failures. 40 years of development projects, despite the Mtwaran and Lindi regions are still the country's poor hinterland. More and more people live in mud huts in villages without electricity and other services, for example, the need for a new water project.

explains the fact that in the year 2000, just seven years after the end of the project, funded by the Finnish major drain, only one-third of the wells had a longer operational – partially due to the lack of spare parts and maintenance of, in part, for other reasons, the construction of Wells is not usually salable.

from local women, where wells would be the best thing to build. In the middle of the village installed wells were often unused, because of the traditional water search tours were women, an important part of your daily routine. The water search for women for a few hours to leave their homes and to exchange news and personal worries, however, the lesson we have learned from the mistakes of the

Something.. Vammalan seurahuone workshop designed by Nira AF-85-pump wells in Dar es Salaam, people began to prepare, set up at the factory, and this unit model was later used successfully in water projects in Kenya and the comprehensive development of the rural areas in Ethiopia.

determinedly RIPS project, the Mtwarasta and the Lindistä was the so-called inclusive Participatory planning methods of TGF.

was scheduled to use at all levels of the administration. First, looked at on a case by case basis in their own villages, while villagers with opportunities and resources, and then were taken to develop the areas of people, in their own interests.

on the ground, these soft approaches received great support. The project was financed in nearly a thousand small projects. The villages were built schools, pharmacies, wells and rainwater tanks. Cashewpähkinätuholaisten means to combat pioneered. The villagers were given to microcredit goats.

, "the villagers took responsibility for their own development and were able to mobilise the resources to improve the living conditions of the surrounding area," the project worked with Elizabeth

Ndedya described the results. "the most important thing was not exactly what it was, but how," as the leader of the project said the 90 's RIPS worked with Tor Lundström.

The project was used as a 17-year period, a total of around 35 million euros, of which, admittedly, one-third of the wages of workers went to the consultancy company Scanagrin and other various types of training sessions at shows and spending and administrative expenses.

when the Finnish funding ended in 2005, was designed to, that the municipalities would be continued to the village projects. In reality, the villages were left largely to their own devices once again.

, at the moment, Finland supports to Tanzania by 11 million euros a year directly from the State budget, the development of a few million and two million euros to the country's

forest administration.The largest single development project is Mtwaran and Lind's small farmers with small-scale business activities in support of the project of the Limas. The project will allow the outlying regions and helping people to get their products on the market, Dove, cashewpähkinöistä, eggs or honey.

overall Tansanialle of the Finnish aid this year is EUR 27 million.

"Tanzania has failed in There are too many donors will in that country and too much projects. When the project ends, all forces are used to find a new project, "said the celebration at the seminar invited guest had an anthropologist, Marja-Liisa Swantz.

It is very possible that in the future, Tanzania's need for assistance is reduced. The coast of the country, especially in the Mtwaran, just outside the the bottom of the sea is to be found all the promising amounts of natural gas. Already at this time, the territory of the country to make it a Mtwaran for electricity, the natural gas drilled in the self-sustainable.

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